abaxial - situated away from the axis (abaxial surface of the leaf = underneath, beneath)
adaxial - situated on the side toward the stem or axis (adaxial surface of the leaf = above)
awn - 1.a bristlelike appendage of a plant, especially on the glumesof grasses. 2.such appendages collectively, as those forming the beard ofwheat, barley, etc. 3.any similar bristle.
acuminate - pointed; tapering to a point.
appressed - pressed closely together
cordate - heart shaped with the attachment at the notched end
caudate - having a tail or taillike appendage.
crenate - having the margins notched or scalloped to form rounded teeth
dentate - toothed margins or tooth-like projections
denticulate - finely dentate (toothed)
denticulate - finely dentate (toothed)
elliptical - having the form of an ellipse
farinose - 1.yielding farina. 2.resembling farina; farinaceous.3.covered with a mealy powder.
glaucous - covered with bluish or whitish waxy coating (example: plum)
glabrous - surface devoid of hair or pubescence
hemispheric - having the form of a hemisphere
intercalary - interpolated or interposed
lanceolate - shaped like the head of a lance
mucronate - having an abrupt projected point
oboval, obovate - inversely ovate; ovate with the narrow end at the base.
ovoid - egg shaped
peduncle - the stalk bearing the acorn
petiole - the stalk by which the leaf is attached to the stem
prostrate - lying flat or at full length, as on the ground.Growing flat along the ground. Creeping jenny, pennyroyal, and many species of ivy have a prostrate growth habit.
polymorphous - passing through or having various forms or stages
sessile - attached by the base, or without any distinct projecting support
subconical - resembling or pertaining to a cone
stellate - arranged or shaped like a star, radiating from the center
style - the stalk of a carpel, bearing the stigma
stylopodium - a swelling at the base of the style in umbelliferous plants
tomentose - closely covered with down or matted hair
trichomes - hairlike or bristle like growth from epidermis of plant
umbelliferous - relating to, or belonging to theUmbelliferae, a family of herbaceous plants and shrubs, typically having hollow stems,divided or compound leaves,and flowers in umbels: includes fennel, dill, parsley, carrot,celery, and parsnip
velutinous - having a soft, velvety surface, as certain plants.
This is not a taxonomic or scientific about oaks. I am not a botanist. I
love oak, reading about oak and drawing acorns and oak
leaves in my own style. I use the referenced description of the acorn
and leaves to help define my illustrations. The acorns and leaves are
not drawn to scale. For authoritative information on oaks, please
consult scientific journals and sites. Please do not copy or distribute
images without my written permission.